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Privacy Policy

We Respect Your Privacy

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click .

This site uses a tool which collects your requests for pages and passes elements of them to search engines to assist them in indexing this site. We control the configuration of the tool and are responsible for any information sent to the search engines.

Facebook App

This privacy policy applies to content provided by us and your use of the ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½Ò•îlFacebook App (the 'Tori.ng').
As a registered Facebook user, you are also subject to Facebook's privacy policy. Please check your Facebook account privacy settings for further information.

Collecting Information About You
We collect different types of information about App users for four main reasons:
1. To personalise the content of the App for individual users.
2. To help us to monitor and improve the App.
3. To advertise on the App.
4. With user consent, to market services to individual users.

Sharing your information with us and others
When you first access the App, for example by clicking on a link to a ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½Ò•îlfrom your Facebook newsfeed, you will be presented with a Facebook permissions page, which will advise you about the Facebook information you will be sharing with the App and other Facebook users. You can then decide whether or not to share your Facebook information by using the App. If you decide not to grant permission you will not be able to use the App.

By granting permission you will be agreeing to share your Facebook user details (including your name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Facebook account settings) as well as the user details of your Facebook friends, and information about your use of the App, for example, the articles you are reading.

If you choose to post content or other data on the App, for example, by commenting on an article, this can be accessed by all of your Facebook friends.

If you decide not to share information with your Facebook friends about a particular article you have accessed you can make your reading private using the 'remove from timeline' facility at the top of the article page.

To unsubscribe go to 'Why am I seeing this version of the page?' at the top of the article page and select 'Remove this application'. Alternatively, remove the App by accessing the application settings in your Facebook account settings.

Once you remove the App we no longer have permission to access your Facebook information and your data will be removed from the App.

Our principles
1. We do our utmost to protect user privacy through the appropriate use of security technology. This means:
- we ensure that we have appropriate physical and technological security measures to protect your information
- we ensure that when we outsource any processes, the service provider has appropriate security measures
2. We will respect your privacy.
3. We will collect and use individual user details only where we have legitimate business reasons and are legally entitled to do so.
4. We will be transparent in our dealings with you as to what information about you we will collect and how we will use your information.
5. We will use personal data only for the purpose(s) for which they were originally collected and we will ensure personal data are securely disposed of.